
For when you only need a yes or no response

Similar to the Toggle, the Yes/No button is used to switch between yes and no.

RequiredToggle on/off if required
LabelEnter a label for your yes/no input

Theme-able Classes

.themeable_input_generic_container {
  /* styling of the generic root element containing the label and input */

.themeable_input_yes_no_container {
  /* styling of the yes no input specific root element containing the label and the input */

.themeable_input_generic_label {
	/* styling of the generic label */

.themeable_input_yes_no_label {
   /* styling of the yes no input specific label */

.themeable_input_yes_no_button_text {
	/* styling of the text in the buttons */

.themeable_input_generic_error {
  /* styling of the generic error message */

.themeable_input_yes_no_error {
  /* styling of the yes no input specific error message */