
Dropdowns are best for selecting choices from a known list

RequiredToggle on/off if required
Select MultipleToggle on/off if multiple choices can be selected
LabelEnter a label for your dropdown input
ChoicesEnter the choices for your dropdown input separated by a comma.
*Example: Choices: 1, 2, 3
Choice LabelsOptional Input. If left blank, this will show the options in Choices.
*Example: Choice Labels: One, Two, Three
This means when someone selects One it will map to a value of 1 and Two maps to a value of 2 and Three to a value of 3.
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Theme-able Classes

.themeable_input_dropdown_container {
  /* styling of the root element containing the input and the label */

.themeable_input_dropdown_label {
  /* styling of the label */

.themeable_input_dropdown_box {
  /* styling of the box containing the select element and the arrow (if not autocomplete) */

.themeable_input_dropdown_arrow {
  /* styling of the dropdown arrow (if not autocomplete) */

.themeable_input_dropdown {
  /* styling of the select element (if not autocomplete) */