Draw Signature
Allow users to sign documents directly on their device
The draw signature input allows users to sign documents easily. You can map this to the designated PDF under the PDFs tab.
Configuration | Value |
Required | Toggle on/off if required |

Theme-able Classes
.themeable_input_draw_signature_container {
/* styling of the root element containing the label and the input */
.themeable_input_draw_signature_labels {
/* styling of the element containing the label */
.themeable_input_draw_signature_label {
/* styling of the label ("Draw Signature" in image above) */
.themeable_input_draw_signature_viewport {
/* styling of the viewport containing the canvas */
.themeable_input_draw_signature_canvas {
/* styling of the canvas*/
.themeable_input_draw_signature_viewport_clear {
/* styling of the clear button */
.themeable_input_draw_signature_viewport_underline {
/* styling of the horizontal line in the middle of the signature input */
Updated over 1 year ago