
Best for requesting short answers

The text input allows users to enter and edit text. This input is best used for short form text. It displays one line max with no character limit.

RequiredToggle on/off if required
LabelEnter a label for your text input

Theme-able Classes

.themeable_input_generic_container {
  /* styling of the generic root containing the label and the input */

.themeable_input_text_container {
  /* styling of the input text specific root containing the label and the input */

.themeable_input_generic_label {
  /* styling of the generic label */

.themeable_input_text_label {
  /* styling of the input text specific label */

.themeable_input_generic {
  /* styling of the generic input (textbox) */

.themeable_input_text {
  /* styling of the input text specific input (textbox) */

.themeable_input_generic_error {
  /* styling of the generic error message */

.themeable_input_text_error {
  /* styling of the input text specific error message */