Request a calendar date
Looking to have a user enter in a date? The date input accepts dates formatted in MM/DD/YYYY.
Below is a table that breaks down each part of the date modal
Configuration | Value |
Required | Toggle on/off if required |
Label | Describes the purpose of the input to the user. Labels remain visible even after completing the field |
Tooltip | A short description that appears when the user holds the mouse pointer briefly over the question mark without clicking |
Placeholder | Placeholder that shows in text box before date input |

Date Input Size
When adjusting the date inside your form, the minimal dimensions are 2 x 3 (W x H).
If the dimensions are too small, you will see the dotted perimeter turn red. We recommend adjusting the dimensions to prevent and visual issues to your users.

Theme-able Classes
.themeable_input_generic_container {
// styling of the generic root containing the label and the input
.themeable_input_date_container {
// styling of the input date specific root containing the label and the input
.themeable_input_generic_label {
// styling of the generic label
.themeable_input_date_label {
// styling of the input date specific label
.themeable_input_generic {
// styling of the generic input (textbox)
.themeable_input_date {
// styling of the input date specific input (textbox)
.themeable_input_generic_error {
// styling of the generic error message
.themeable_input_date_error {
// styling of the input date specific error message
Updated over 1 year ago
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