
Request a calendar date

Looking to have a user enter in a date? The date input accepts dates formatted in MM/DD/YYYY.

Below is a table that breaks down each part of the date modal

RequiredToggle on/off if required
LabelDescribes the purpose of the input to the user. Labels remain visible even after completing the field
TooltipA short description that appears when the user holds the mouse pointer briefly over the question mark without clicking
PlaceholderPlaceholder that shows in text box before date input


Date Input Size

When adjusting the date inside your form, the minimal dimensions are 2 x 3 (W x H).

If the dimensions are too small, you will see the dotted perimeter turn red. We recommend adjusting the dimensions to prevent and visual issues to your users.


Theme-able Classes

.themeable_input_generic_container {
  // styling of the generic root containing the label and the input

.themeable_input_date_container {
  // styling of the input date specific root containing the label and the input

.themeable_input_generic_label {
  // styling of the generic label 

.themeable_input_date_label {
  // styling of the input date specific label

.themeable_input_generic {
  // styling of the generic input (textbox) 

.themeable_input_date {
  // styling of the input date specific input (textbox)

.themeable_input_generic_error {
  // styling of the generic error message

.themeable_input_date_error {
  // styling of the input date specific error message

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