
All over Prelim, you can refer to data from within applications with {{ }}.

For example, if you want to show what a user filled in an input with inside of a page title, inside of the page title just putting in {{ 123 }} where 123 is the input ID would render that inputs field.

See our reference below for a list of all templates currently supported by Prelim, along with the locations in the app in which they are usable.

Supported Templates

TemplateDescriptionSupported Usage in App
{{12345}}Replaced with the value entered into the input with ID 12345Everywhere
{{applicationId}}Replaced with the ID of the current applicationOnly in invite emails and interactions
{{deploymentId}}Replaced with the current deployment IDOnly in invite emails and interactions
{{uuid}}Replaced with a UUID. A new UUID is generated every time this template is evaluated.Only in invite emails and interactions
{{uuidInt}}Replaced with a unique 32 bit integer. A new integer is generated every time this template is evaluated.Only in invite emails and interactions
If 12345 is the ID of an app input and that app returns usable data to prelim, then that data can be accessed with app_data. Fields and nested fields in the app_data can be accessed according to the examples shown.Only in invite emails and interactions

Currently supported apps:
- DocuSign
- Persona
- Middesk
If 12345 is the ID of an app input or file input, and there are files associated with that input, then the files can be accessed with files or files_by_name.Only in interactions

Currently supported apps:
- Persona
- Middesk
{{exampleInteraction.exampleField}}If there is an interaction named "exampleInteraction", this is replaced with the value of the field named "exampleField" in the most recent response from the interaction.Only in invite emails and interactions
{{ssoUserInfo.field}}If the current user signed in with SSO, then any information received from the SSO provider can be accessed as shown.Only in invite emails and interactions