
Request an email address, don't worry we'll check that it's valid for you

The email input accepts emails formatted in

RequiredToggle on/off if required
LabelEnter a label for your email input
Prefill EmailToggle on/off if you would like to prefill the customer email
PlaceholderPlaceholder that shows in textbox before email input

Theme-able Classes

.themeable_input_generic_container {
  /* styling of the generic root element containing the label and the input */

.themeable_input_email_container {
  /* styling of the input email specific  root element containing the label and the input */

.themeable_input_generic_label {
  /* styling of the generic label */

.themeable_input_email_label {
	/* styling of the input email specific label */

.themeable_input_generic {
  /* styling of the generic input text box */

.themeable_input_email {
  /* styling of the input email specific text box */