Your API key is used to authenticate each request. API keys are included in requests using HTTP Bearer Auth. To obtain a Prelim API Key, ask an admin or if you are an admin, head over to the API Keys section in the Admin division of the enterprise portal. You may need to request access if not already granted. On this page, simply click Add API Key, give it a name, and you click Add. You now have a working API key! Add this token to headers of every request you make. For example, if your API key is 8f4a73df-4a82-4ee6-96b0-e01d0c8fba88, your headers will look like this

    Authorization: Bearer 8f4a73df-4a82-4ee6-96b0-e01d0c8fba88


Your API keys are extremely sensitive. Anyone who gains access to your keys will be able to impersonate you and could take money out of your bank accounts. Never share your secret keys in plaintext with anyone, including Prelim employees. If a token is compromised, please delete it and create a new one.

The API is served exclusively over HTTPS so all data stays safe and secure. Any requests made over plain HTTP will fail. Any requests made without authentication will also fail.